How We As Founders Find Balance

How We As Founders Find Balance

While Juggling our Skincare Business and Busy Family Lives

We knew it wouldn’t be plain sailing when we embarked on building our skincare brand while navigating our way through the early years of motherhood! Sleepless nights, new products to develop, a growing retail portfolio to manage and our own sanity to consider!

Over the years we’ve found a variety of coping mechanisms to help with our balance and here we share a few of our latest discoveries which we hope will inspire. And please do share your top tips with us. Join our conversation over on Instagram  @balancemeskincare We are on there daily and the conversation is all about #findingbalance

Cold water therapy and our regular trips to the river, beach, reservoir and lido (yes we like to go exploring to find new waters) has opened our eyes to the benefits of swimming outdoors, in nature, in sometimes 3 degrees! Crazy we know. But cold water swimming allows us to press pause, nurture our wellbeing, clear our minds of daily stresses and worries. Simply JUST BE.

Did you know cold water therapy can help:

  • Improve circulation 
  • Boost your brain power 
  • ‘Cold adapt’ repeated swimming in cold water brings down blood pressure and cholesterol 

But we don’t spend all our free time in cold water! We love to garden, travel, cook (especially baking), walk in nature and practice yoga.

Living a well-balanced life means everything in moderation. Getting that work/life balance is so important as time away from our desks, or hectic family lives can help us put worries into perspective and allow us to feel re-energised and more in balance.

And let’s not forget we find a huge amount of balance from our skincare. We’ve always advocated that it’s worth spending five precious minutes a day (morning and evening if you can) to focus on selfcare.

The amazing comments we regularly receive about our healthy, glowy complexions is testament to the benefits of years of applying and re-applying Balance Me as we’ve journeyed through our often crazy, busy lives.

Our must-haves right now for our peri-menopausal skin:

Our  Super Berry Cleansing Balm because it’s super nourishing, kind and gentle and it makes us take a moment to savour the honey-luxe texture on our skin. We love mixing in our Exfoliating Oat Booster to an extra helping of polish!

Our NEW  Ceramide Barrier Booster. This immediately calms our skin right down; soothes and protects when our skin feels a little stressed or compromised. 

Our  Wonder Eye Cream It’s heartening to know that we sell one of these firming, soothing and cooling eye treatments every 60 seconds. We firmly believe everyone, young and mature should care for their eyes daily. Have you tried this yet?

Our  BB Hyaluronic Skin Tint SPF25 This is a true skin saviour. Just the right amount of daily protection when we’re on the run, in cold water or in a meeting (screen and in person!) It’s skin plumping – thank you Hyaluronic Acid – has a tiny trace of tint to even out our skin tone and blend away any blemishes or redness. Plus most importantly, it provides our daily dose of SPF. 

And we do LOVE to dry  Body Brush! That’s why last year we launched our pair – we always use two as it’s quicker than one – of vegan bristle brushes. Dry brushing wakes up our skin at the beginning of the day and helps with our physical balance as we hop from one leg to the other while brushing!

So as you can see, our secret to a more balanced life is to do the things that we enjoy, that bring us pleasure, stretch our imagination and stimulate our bodies as well as our senses. You may not want to dive into a freezing cold river anytime soon, but we hope that our skincare will allow you to relax and take five precious minutes to bring a little more balance to your skin at the very least!

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