My Balance: Alex Gorton and Natasha Poliszczuk, Wear & Where founders

My Balance: Alex Gorton and Natasha Poliszczuk, Wear & Where founders

Journalists (who have written for Glamour, Vogue, InStyle, The Times and The Telegraph), editors and the two halves Wear & Where.

What does balance mean to you?

Alex: Balance for me is that very rare time when I feel like I have all my ducks in a row. The kids are happy, I'm on top of work, I'm getting on well with my husband, I haven't forgotten any appointments/meetings/deadlines and I'm feeling well-rested and have enough time to do something I love, like go for a run. It's when life seems to be running to plan and the see-saw isn't tipping too much in one direction.
Natasha: In theory: when the family is happy and an even keel and I feel like I’m in control of work/life/domestic admin. In practise: accepting that, sometimes, done is better than perfect; you can’t keep everyone happy all the time; and that life ebbs and flows: today might be about the children, but next week is all about work – and that’s okay. Oh, and having a tidy house. I find living in a mess really unsettling and unbalancing!

Favourite simple pleasures?

Alex: So many! I'm a simple soul......that first cup of coffee, running outside (rain or shine), being up early on a summer's morning, being outside, hugs, sleep, talking...
Natasha: Being by the sea: I grew up there and find it hugely calming and restorative. My first cup of coffee in the morning (usually brought to me in bed by my lovely husband because he is a morning person and I am not!). Fresh flowers. An early night with clean sheets and a good book. Cuddles with my children.

Comfort read of choice?

Alex: Any book really. To lose yourself in another world is always a comfort (unless it's traumatic, but I don't tend to read those kind of books!) PG Wodehouse is always great fun.
Natasha: I love reading – it’s almost as essential as breathing for my well-being. If I’m in need of comfort, it’s Jane Austen or a retro murder mystery (i.e. nothing too grisly).

How do you express yourself creatively?

Alex: Not enough! I used to write and draw a lot more, and loved it. Does gardening count? I've also started playing around on Adobe Illustrator, which is creative and challenging in equal measure.
Natasha: I spend most of time writing for work, which is pretty creative, but I also love planning and curating (awful word – sorry) the interiors of my house.

Which self-care ritual makes you feel good?

Alex: Cleansing my face properly before bed always makes me feel better. Since I started properly cleansing and not simply applying and washing foam off my face as possible, my skin has always felt and looked better. I do also like a really good body and face moisturiser.
Natasha: In the morning: a gorgeously scented shower gel to wake me up. In the evening: a facial oil and rich, comforting moisturiser (I have dry, sensitive skin and I love going to bed with a shiny face.) I’ll also light a scented candle any chance I get.

Favourite Balance Me product?

Alex: Radiance Face Oil is a dream.
Natasha: Gradual Tanning Drops and Rose Otto Face Oil.

Alex Gorton and Natasha Poliszczuk; @wearandwhere

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