What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

We put the question to our Skincare Squad and here’s what they had to say…

Rebecca Hopkins @BalanceMeSkincare

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

“Taking time to nurture and nourish it; to enjoy living in it and to embrace the days, months and years passing in it!”

Clare Hopkins @BalanceMeSkincare

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

“Treating your skin like your best friend. Be kind to it and proud of it. Be happy that your laughter lines show the fun you’ve had! Prevention is always better than cure so put the time in now. Be content that you look good for your age vs trying to look like you did ten or twenty years ago!”

Astrid Zeegen of @AstridIWantYouInMyLife

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

“I have grown to love my face more as I’ve got older. I am proud of being 56 and sharing that as I get older I can still look young.”

Cath Weller of @MrsAddToBasket

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

“For me, this means being comfortable and confident in your own skin, accepting who we are and enhancing what we have. For me it’s about fresh-looking skin, outer glow and radiance.”

Thaarani of @TeeClutter

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

“Loving everything about your skin. From the skin colour to every little imperfection. It took me a while to be comfortable in my skin and not always cover it up in make-up. I look after it more and love my skin even more without make-up.”

Caroline Cook of @CarolinesStyleHacks

What does #LoveYourSkin mean to you?

“Taking at least five minutes morning and night to cleanse and rehydrate my skin. Finding products that soothe and help my skin is key!”     

Connect with us on Instagram @balancemeskincare and tell us what 

#LoveYourSkin means to you!

Meed the full Skincare Squad

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